Subproject 1: Development of an Informative Environmental Node in the Region of Crete website
The main goal of subproject 1 is to highlight the areas of the Natura 2000 network through the provision of audiovisual and information material.
The project constitutes a vital asset towards the protection and enhancement of the environment, since it aims to sensitize the general public and targeted population groups (target groups) in local and regional scale to work together to protect species and habitats. Moreover, it will serve as an additional tool for public agencies and conservation groups to work on the current situation of the regions of the network Natura 2000, the legislation and the sustainable growth prospects of the network Natura 2000.
The overall target is that this site will serve as a user-friendly tool for citizens to realize that the protection of the environment is inextricably linked to the securing of financial resources and the quality of life.
Disclaimer: All information presented including documents and spatial data, may not be accurate or precise, due a series of factors including, data acquisition errors, background maps, visualization, data serving, etc.